Bad Design
The first design flaw that stands out to me with this package is the composition. The way that the lettering is placed behind the circle part of the logo is confusing because you can't read what it says. The second composition flaw is the placement of the spoon and fork. The fork by itself on the right side throws off the balance along with the spoon not being centered.
The package has a lack of texture to it, the only texture you get is the quinoa in the window. When it comes to color all the orange seems to be over whelming. The hue of most of the package is a darker or lighter shade of orange.
When considering gestalt principles this packaging lacks similarity and proximity. No similar shapes are grouped together, which also creates a lack of closure because it doesn't seem to come together.
Good Design
The composition on this package is well balanced. The pure logo is centered with the window that shows the quinoa. The point created from the logo leads you down to the window. The slightly curved line through the middle separates the two tones nicely.
The design on the package creates a unique texture and a nice background. The top half is a pure white color that relates to the brands name. The green has great value that compliments the white and makes the window and quinoa standout.
This package displays proximity and similarity by the placement of the two circles at the bottom in each corner. I get a sense of closure from this package by the way it is organized and brings everything together.